Our company
ARM positions itself as a leader in the debt collection industry across Canada
Our approach
ARM stands out with an approach based on mediation and adapts to each case and its specificities.
- We attach great importance to the impact on the image of our clients and their relationships with their own clients.
- Our interventions aim to re-establish the communication between the creditor and the debtor.
- We determine the capacity and willingness of our interlocutor
- With our rational approach, we seek and encourage the best possible compromise for the parties involved
- The pursued objective is an amicable resolution of the situation to come to a final settlement
- We prioritize respect, listening, negotiation and communication to encourage a collaboration
Our expertise
In business since 1952, ARM is specialized in debt collection and account receivable management. Stemming from a bailiffs’ firm, our growth is a result of acquisitions and implementation of strategic partnerships. We work tirelessly in order to make ARM the leader in the debt collection industry and to make sure that our performance, methods, processes and values dictate the new norms of the industry.
ARM developed a debt collection expertise in various industries such as insurance, telecommunication, public services, educational institutions, financial institutions, property managers and more.
We work in the debt collection industry in all Canadian provinces and territories.
Prince Edward Island | permit number 22664
Nova Scotia | permit number 20211990892
New-Brunswick | permit number 22529
Newfoundland/Labrador | permit number 14-15-AR097-1
Quebec | permit number 400299
Ontario | permit number 4724562
Saskatchewan | permit number 332631
Manitoba | permit number 54764
Alberta | permit number 339394
British-Columbia | permit number 66467
Yukon | permit number A219-5-098
Nordwest Territories | permit number 22-024
Nunavut | permit number 22-019
Our values and ethical guidelines
The values we put forward, combined with our ethical code and rules of conduct reflect the attitudes and behaviors that all our employees advocate in their interaction with clients, debtors, partners, colleagues and the company.
In the achievement of its business objectives, ARM commits to comply with the highest quality norms and to conduct its business practices in an exemplary manner.
Our values
- Unity; to mobilize the team around a common objective
- Recognition of and trust in our staff
- Integrity; for exemplary and honorable business conduct
- Transparency; for mutually beneficial interactions
- Probity; respect for the mandates entrusted to us by our clients and the strict observance of the laws in effect
- Innovation; permitting us to stand out with creativity, commitment and effort
- A high-quality work environment that is safe, and stimulating
Our ethical guidelines and norms of conduct
- Show professionalism by acting with competency, rigour and seriousness.
- Adopt an honest and fair conduct, free of any conflict of interest.
- Protect adequately the security of the information entrusted to us and ensure its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
- Emphasise each interaction with a customer service approach that stands out by its professionalism while respecting the business needs of our clients.
Our social involvement
Our commitment: Make a difference in the academic success of the youth in our community!
ARM and its employees’ social involvement represents an important aspect in the organizational life. ARM mobilizes the employees around a common cause that has positive impacts for the youth in its environment. Therefore, ARM contributes to the Pathways to education program (Passeport pour ma réussite)
This involvement allows ARM and its employees to invest volunteer time, to recycle and provide schools supplies, and to help financially by fundraisers.
Presentation of the program Pathways to Education
Offered since 2012 by the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi of Shawinigan, Pathways to education has for mission to support youth from targeted areas, where the dropout rate is high, in the obtainment of a first diploma and in the transition towards postsecondary or the job market. From their entry to secondary school, students of Pathways to education receive free tutoring lessons, various extracurricular activities, a personalized support by a counselor and benefits from financial support and a scholarship. This program’s particularity lays in the systematic and preventive way to work on different aspects linked to school drop-outs, in addition to help every individual develop their full potential. The program supports in average 260 students every year.
ARM and Pathways to education
” The philosophy behind Pathways to education is to engage the whole community around a common project: create a generation of graduates 100% from Shawinigan. Beyond the social and economical impacts that can happen due to the graduation of the majority of the youth of our community, it is hundreds of life journeys that have already been positively influenced by the services of the program. To offer a constant support to hundreds of people would not be possible without the help of partners such as ARM. Thanks to ARM and its employees, the youth from the program can benefit from school supplies not only for back to school, but also to meet their needs all year long. ARM’s team also allowed us to renew the tutoring material, offer quality clothes to our students and meet urgent financial needs of certain students. By choosing to engage in the youth’s success, ARM’s help does not only support academic perseverance, but it also shows to all our students that the whole community has faith in them and supports them so that they can succeed. “
Caroline Duranleau, Program Director